
Tuesdays at 7:00pm

Mira Costa Track

1401 Artesia Blvd, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

Mira Costa Track
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Four programs to choose from:

Repetitions 2.0 – Two miles of quick sprints (200, 400, 800 meters); runners of all paces welcome. We tend to have a range of paces in this group each week.

Repetitions 3.0 – Three miles of quick sprints (200, 400, 800 meters). All paces are welcome, but the general guideline for this group is that an athlete should be able to run a 1:40 or less in the 400m.

Threshold – Designed to raise your VO2Max and running economy in preparation for your upcoming race. A running pace that you could hold for about 45 minutes to an hour. Threshold is generally combined with cruise intervals.

Race Walking – Walking for the casual or competitive walker including run/walk interval training.


Sundays at 7:30am

Valley Park

Gould & Valley (we meet at the parking lot on Gould)

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We invite all levels of walker/runner and all paces to join us for our regular weekly 6.5 mile training session. Additionally, some athletes will do more or less mileage.  If you are looking for a little higher mileage then please join our 6:00am bonus session crew for up to an additional 10 miles.


Thursdays at 5:00am

99cent parking lot

190th & Anza Ave, Torrance, CA 90503

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Come join us for our weekly Muffin Run featuring hill repeats! We invite all levels of walker/runner and all paces to join us for our regular weekly training session.


Thursdays at 5:30pm

Skechers Store - corner of Manhattan Ave and Manhattan Beach Blvd.

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Join us for 5 miles of hills or a mix of hills and Strand running.  Route changes every week.  We also have a group that meets at 5:30pm for an additional 5 miles (heading North on the Strand).